Welcome to 6th Grade!
Welcome to 6th grade! We are your Room Parents for this year, Mary Ann Akkaraju and Julie Asbury-Gordan.
Feel free to reach out to us any time with questions, comments or concerns. We are looking forward to a fantastic year!
Welcome to 6th grade! We are your Room Parents for this year, Mary Ann Akkaraju and Julie Asbury-Gordan.
Feel free to reach out to us any time with questions, comments or concerns. We are looking forward to a fantastic year!
Planner: read 20 min, please sign/initial after every planner entry
Planner: read 20 min, study for spelling test tomorrow:
Planner: read 20 min, picture day 9/14/23
Planner: read 20 minutes, picture day tomorrow!
Planner: read 20 min, please sign rainy movie permission form (not attached), don’t forget to initial the planner after every school day’s entry.
Happy back to school night!
Important takeaways: check your Schoology for homework, tests, etc
Planner: read 20 min and please have parent initial after the last entry daily
Planner: read 20 minutes and get planner signed by parent
**Please ask your child for their number. A child’s number is most likely their alphabetical rank in class. Please refer to the class list posted on 8/29/23.**
Planner: read 20 minutes and return book order forms tomorrow