Welcome to 6th Grade!


Welcome to 6th grade! We are your Room Parents for this year, Mary Ann Akkaraju and Julie Asbury-Gordan.

Feel free to reach out to us any time with questions, comments or concerns. We are looking forward to a fantastic year!


Home folder item – 9/15/23

Planner: read 20 min, please sign/initial after every planner entry

Home folder items – 9/14/23

Planner: read 20 min, study for spelling test tomorrow:

  • Glad, melt, clap, mask, flat, nest, gift, hand, swing, chip, snack, thick, wish, stand, grill, ramp, *picnic, *sandwich

Home folder items – 9/13/23

Planner: read 20 min, picture day 9/14/23


Home folder items – 9/13/23

Planner: read 20 minutes, picture day tomorrow!

Home folder items – 9/12/23

Planner: read 20 min, please sign rainy movie permission form (not attached), don’t forget to initial the planner after every school day’s entry.

Home folder item: 9/11/23

Happy back to school night!

Important takeaways: check your Schoology for homework, tests, etc

Planner: read 20 min and please have parent initial after the last entry daily

  • Glad, melt, clap, mask, flat, nest, gift, hand, swing, chip, snack, thick, wish, stand, grill, ramp, *picnic, *sandwich

We will not be using the Kinder Grade page for communications. Instead, please refer to the weekly document sent home by the teachers or the monthly kinder newsletters.



Home folder item – 9/8/23

Planner: read 20 minutes and get planner signed by parent

Home folder items – 9/7/23

**Please ask your child for their number.  A child’s number is most likely their alphabetical rank in class. Please refer to the class list posted on 8/29/23.**

Planner: read 20 minutes and return book order forms tomorrow