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Organic Kids LA

Meet your 4th Grade Teachers

Meet your 4th Grade Teachers!

We put together a list of information to get to know our homeroom teachers and a few school projects for this year- please enjoy!

Introducing….Mr. Alberti and Ms. Mizo !

From your Room Parents,

Pamela & Kristen


Name: Heather Mizo

Homeroom: 4B

Birthdate: September 26

Best way to contact me: email- Mr. Alberti and I are busy during the day so it is very likely that we may not see the email until the end of the day. If there is a last minute email about picking up a student from school early for example, please email both TA’s- this will help to better ensure we get the message and have them ready.

4A TA Ms. Mariana-

4B TA Mr. Dwyer-

Events/ Activities-

STAR testing is coming up- we will post on Schoology when we have the date selected for testing

Picture Day- Sept. 12th

4th grade Prayer Service and Dinner– November 4th

School Mass- December 9th Immaculate Conception, 8:30 am

School Mass- April 2nd Lent, 8:30am

Sandwich builders– March 21st in JCPC

Family Sunday Mass– April 27th 9:30 am

Field Trips– Mr. Alberti and I are planning these right now, we do not have them booked yet but will share once we have them ready; we usually have three trips.

Favorite color– orange

Favorite TV show– Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Stranger Things, Twin Peaks

Hobbies– live music- concerts, festivals; art shows- museums/ galleries; theatre- plays/ musicals

Sports– Boston Teams

How can you best support me? 

  • If students are absent- remind them to check with their teacher for missing work.
  • Periodically check Schoology for missing work and updated grades. We will post homework there daily and any announcements and reminders. You can even sign up for email alerts. (any questions on how to log in or get notifications, email )
  • Make sure all sweaters, jackets, water bottles etc. are labeled with their name.
  • Make sure students go to bed at an appropriate time.
  • Encourage reading everyday, 20 minutes minimum really makes a difference!
  • Practice multiplication tables with flashcards- having them memorized will make math so much easier

Thank you!


Heather Mizo, M. Ed. | 4B Math, Science, Religion

Saint Paul the Apostle School | 1536 Selby Avenue, Los Angeles CA 90024

(310) 474-1588



Next Up…we have….


Lance Alberti

Homeroom: 4A

Birthdate: August 7th

Best way to contact me is email:

4th Grade Projects

World Monument Project – Model Or Visual completed outside of school

Research, Essay, Presentation done in school

Biography Project. Research, Essay, Presentation done in school Outside school-Students may dress as their biography person

Fun Facts:

Favorite Color- Blue

Favorite TV Show: The Office

Favorite Sports or Hobbies: Running, Hiking, Acting (Drama Club Director), Traveling,  Beach, Swimming

Best Support Throughout the School Year:

Direct communication with Ms. Mizo and I- We want to clear up any confusion with events or academic work

Making parents aware that while there may be a bit more homework, we have to prepare students for 5th grade


Thank you!