
We recognize that parents are the first and best teachers of their children. As a Catholic community we partner with parents and children on their faith journey.  Preparing for and receiving the sacraments are stepping stones on that journey.


When a family expresses interest in Catholic Baptism for themselves or for their child, we work with our parish priests and RCIA Coordinator to begin that process.

Reconciliation and First Communion

Baptized students in first or second grade who want to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist (Communion) join families in our Religious Education Program in sacrament preparation. Periodic evening gatherings bring parents and children together to pray, learn, and share the excitement of this special time.

Baptized students in third through eighth grade can be prepared within the school day setting and receive the First Eucharist at a liturgy arranged with a parish priest.


The Sacrament of Confirmation in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles is generally received sophomore year of high school in the student’s home parish. The Youth Minister will invite eighth graders at St. Paul’s to the Confirmation Preparation Program during the summer after graduation.