
Our shared vision for technology at St. Paul the Apostle School is to advance a 21st century learning environment that directly furthers our “commitment to the development of the whole child.” The SPA Technology Vision extends beyond our classrooms: It encompasses students, teachers, administrators, parents, and the broader SPA community, and is driven by the needs of the 21st century citizen to collaborate, communicate, and participate effectively and ethically in the global community.

Technology integration is integral to grades DK-8. Students utilize technology in all disciplines depending on the subject. Each grade below has the following devices available:

  • DK – iPads available in stations
  • K through 3rd – 1:1 iPads
  • 4th through 8th – 1:1 Chromebooks
  • Macbook laptops are available in the Media Center
  • All teachers are equipped with laptops and iPads, Epson interactive projectors with Apple TV, and document cameras

Alongside traditional devices, we utilize broadcasting equipment, 3d printers, Ozobot, coding, theater equipment, lighting boards, and other technology devices to develop creative and team oriented learning environments for our students. We also use Schoology to grant parents access to class materials, grades, email notifications about assignments in order to promote student academic transparency. Our goal is for all of our students to utilize technology in an effective and responsible manner that assists and enhances their learning each and every day!