Academics Overview

Inclusive Philosophy

Saint Paul’s is an inclusive school that recognizes and affirms the unique learning styles of all our students as we focus on the possibilities for each child’s success. Our Learning Specialist and Resource Specialist provide students extra support and encouragement in addition to our classroom teachers and assistants who are trained in differentiated instruction. Our inclusive philosophy supports our mission as a Catholic community of faith, committed to the development of the whole child.

STAR Testing

Our teachers and administrators use testing data to help differentiate instruction so that all of our students can reach their highest potential.

With the implementation of STAR testing, students in grades 2-8 are given a computer-adapted assessment in math and reading four times a year. In addition, Kindergarten and first grade students take an early literacy assessment. STAR testing takes about 30 minutes to complete and provides valid, reliable, and actionable data. Results are shared with parents.