Welcome to 8th Grade!

This grade page will be updated infrequently, so please refer to weekly email updates  for the most current information about grade-specific information.  Links to the weekly emails are provided below.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

Your 8th Grade Room Parents,

Kasi Beaney, Jessica Dixon, Kristin Hart, Jamie Grobecker, Summer Salazar & Tiffany Walton

Contact Us!  8th Grade Room Parents

8th Grade Newsletters

(Recent to oldest)



Mark your calendars for these important dates:

2024-25 CALENDAR


8/25: End of Summer Mass at 5pm and In-n-Out Picnic at 5:30-8PM

8/27: First Day of School – Prayer gathering at 8:15 and coffee at the JCPC, 12:30 dismissal

8/28: Virtus Training (initial course) 9a-12p. Organic Kids L.A. returns for hot & cold lunch.

8/29: Virtus Training (renewal) 9a-10:30 (only available if you have completed the initial Virtus training and it has not expired).


8th Grade Traffic Duty Month

9/2: No School for Labor Day

9/3: Star Testing Begins

9/12: Picture Day

9/16: Back to School Night, 6:30pm

9/20: Sandwich Builders JCPC 6P

9/26: Big Chill Fundraiser


10/4-10/6: The St. Paul Ranch Festival 2024!

10/7: No School, Festival Clean-Up

10/10: 8th Grade Parents Meeting @ JCPC 8:30-9:30A

10/14: No School, Columbus/Indigenous People’s Day

10/18: Sandwich Builders JCPC 6P

10/31: Make-Up Picture Day


11/6-11/7: Parent/Teacher Conferences

11/11: No School, Veteran’s Day

11/12-11/14: Parent/Teacher Conferences

11/15-11/17: Apostle’s Attic

11/22: Sandwich Builders JCPC 6P

11/27-29: Thanksgiving Break

11/30: Night of Lights


12/2-12/6: 8th Grade Yosemite Field Trip

12/19: Christmas Pageant

12/21- 1/5: Christmas Vacation


1/6: School Resumes

1/9: 8th Grade Graduation Picture Day

1/10: Jr. High Winter Social

1/20: No School, MLK Jr. Day

1/24: Sandwich Builders JCPC 6P

w/o 1/27: Catholic Schools Week


2/17: No School, President’s Day

2/20: In-n-Out Burger Order Deadline

2/21: No School, Religious Schools Conference

2/25: In-n-Out Burger Day

2/28: No School, Ski Weekend (Feb 28 – Mar 2)


3/21: Sandwich Builders 6p JCPC


4/17: Holy Thursday, Early Dismissal

4/18-4/27: Spring Break

4/28: School Resumes


5/2: Jr. High Spring Social

5/16-5/18: School Camp Out Weekend

5/26: No School, Memorial Day


6/3: 8th Grade Retreat 8:15A/ 8th Grade Prayer Service Dinner 6:30P

6/4: 8th Grade CPR Training 9:30A/ 8th Grade Recognition 1:30P

6/5: 8th Grade Disneyland Trip

6/6: 8th Grade Graduation Rehearsal 8A

6/8: 8th Grade Family Mass 9:30A

6/9: 8th Grade Graduation & Ceremony 9:30A/ 8th Grade Graduation Dance 8:30P JCPC

6/13: Last Day of School