Welcome to DK!

Parent/Student Handbook

Click HERE to view the full parent/student handbook. There is a lot in there that is more relevant to older students, but we suggest any new DK families at least read the following 5 pages (or keep them handy for when you need this info!):

  • Attendance policies and procedures p.16 (for when you drop off late or pick up early)
  • Daily schedule p.20 (late bell, lunchtimes, etc. Keep in mind DK classroom opens at 7:30am not 7:10am)
  • Parent responsibilities starting on p.21 (traffic duty, festival shifts, etc)
  • Uniform and festival wear p.36 (Uniform info and when students can wear festival wear)
  • From the Health Office section p. 48

Mark your calendar! And click HERE for the full school calendar

  • Sept 2 – No school, Labor Day
  • Sept 12 – Picture Day
  • Sept 16 – Back to School Night – 6:30pm (Get a sitter!)
  • Oct 4-6 – Saint Paul Ranch Festival! Remember: Mandatory parent volunteer requirement
  • Oct 7 – No School (Monday after festival for ride/yard clean up)
  • Nov 6, 7, 12, 13, 14 – Parent teacher conferences dismissal at 12pm each day (sign ups will come out later)
  • Nov 11 – No school, Veteran’s Day
  • Nov 27-29 – No school, Thanksgiving break
  • Dec 19 – Christmas Pageant 7pm in the church
  • Dec 21 – Jan 5 – Winter Break

Full school calendar has all the important dates through the end of the school year!



  • Backpack
  • Lunchbox (lunch/3 snacks with easy to open items), Organic Kids La lunches will be available Tuesday, September 5th Please check the website to order.
  • Water bottle
  • Extra set of clothes for accidents.
  • **All items should be clearly labeled with student’s name**

Drop-off & Pick up Directions 

-7:30 a.m. school drop off starts in the D.K. classroom under the church. Parents please walk your child into the DK classroom. Last drop off should be at 8:00 a.m.  If arriving after 8:05, please enter through the front office on Selby. NOTE: DK has different rules than the rest of the school. The school yard opens at 7:10am for older kids but DK students should be walked to the classroom after 7:30am.

Pick up begins at 2:45 p.m. – 3:00 p.m at the DK classroomStudents that have not been picked up from the classroom will be walked over to the lunch tables to be picked up or signed into aftercare at 3:30 p.m. If running behind or picking up later than usual please email Ms. Aguiluz or Mrs. Bitto.


Teacher Email Addresses

Ms. Evelyn Aguiluz: eaguiluz@sp-apostle.org

Mrs. Courtney Bitto: cbitto@sp-apostle.org.